I'm grateful for having such a wonderful, caring family, for being
alive, and for all of life's possibilities.
Thanksgiving was an emotional day for me, but a wonderful holiday,
nonetheless. How did your Turkey day go?
Last Sunday was my birthday! I'm 22 now, and the past year flew by, just
as my older counterparts warned me! LOL! I had the ka-yutest b-day
hairdo, but only after having to make a quick improvisation.
I'd been planning to flat iron my hair for a straight look. I figured,
"Why not, its a special occasion,". I hadn't so much as unraveled the
power cord to my flatiron in months, and I was a tiny bit worried about
the damage it may cause.
I plugged the flatiron in, and the smell of burnt hair hit my nostrils.
Disgusting! I parted my hair in the back, and started the process. I
cringed as my hair began to singe. Wisps of smoke and steam floated
upwards, bearing witness to the damage. I inspected the first, and last,
section of straightened hair. Yes, it was long. Yes, it was silky. It
didn't matter; the apprehension of the irreversible damage that I would
do to my hair kept me from going any further.
The first three photos were taken right after I stopped the madness...
I wet my hair all over to do some flat twists up front. The straightened
hair in the back didn't curl as tightly as the rest of my hair. It just
hung there, limp and obviously longer than the rest of the strands
nearby. I couldn't help but feel a little grief. What if those curls
never return? What if this hair breaks off? Deecoily tried to tell me,
but I wouldn't listen. At least I had sense enough to stop while I was
I parted my hair from ear to ear, and secured the hair in the back. For
the twists, I used Fantasia ic Gel and secured them with butterfly
clips. I used my 1/3 conditioner. 2/3 water mixture to spray on the rest
to keep it moist.
The results were fire! I was proud of myself, given that this was the
first time I did a style like this. Yay me!
I shall return...thanx for reading my blog
The Trotter is bright (:Þ)
Awww, you look so sad with the straight hair.
The twists look great by the way. I need to learn how to flat twist. Is it hard? =(
I was very sad! I instantly regretted using the flat iron!
Nah they aren't hard at all. I just had to find my own way to do them. I tried to copy others' techniques, but it didn't really work for me.
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